It is a program that suits individuals who have the desire to invest in Canada, contribute to its economy and also immigrate. Three main programs fall under this class. They include:
- Start-Up Visa:
For consideration into the program, the applicant should have a Letter of Support from a Designated Institution. It is an institution that has the mandate to provide support and also to invest in potential startups.
It is a program that gears itself towards creating job opportunities to the Citizens of Canada by targeting globally competitive and innovative businesses. In group applications, only those candidates with a minimum of 10% voting rights and a total of over 50% of the same, when their voting rights and the designated institution are combined.
Only five members are eligible to apply as owners of the business.
- Self-employed:
Those considered under the Self-employed program are individuals who have experience in cultural or athletic activities. It also includes farmers. You will need to have at least two years of relevant experience in any of the mentioned field.
When you get to Canada, you should also be willing to continue in the self-employment as you contribute to the Canadian economy.
- IIVC, Immigrant, investor Venture Capital:
It is a program for individuals who have a net worth of at least 10 million Canadian dollars. You will have to obtain a diligence report from an approved institution to determine your net value. There is a language proficiency requirement which will require you to take an approved language test.
You should also have a minimum of one year, post-secondary degree, certificate, or diploma. You will incur the charges for the determining of your net worth to the designated service provider.
When you get approval to the program, you will need to make a 2million dollar non-guaranteed investment to the IIVC Fund. It will be a 15-year commitment.